Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Flirting Fails and New Photo Shoot!

I bailed on that third date haha

I got too nervous and felt like being an introvert on Friday, the day we planned on meeting up. I had the day off and he was leaving the office early around 1:30, so we casually mentioned going to see Suicide Squad at the theaters. I was doing chores and running errands during the day and by the time I got home late afternoon, going back out and having to socialize did not sound appealing to me.

The following day he told me that he ended up going to a gay club with a few of his friends and participated in a hot body contest. He got on stage in his underwear, in front of the entire club and got rated by the crowd.

I got anxiety just calling the establishments I bought Groupon deals for...and this guy is winning first place in hot body contests. Seriously, I asked him if he won and he did. haha

Speaking of guys, I nearly had a heart attack on Thursday when SURFER showed up after his three month absence. This is the dude who came into my work multiple times, flirted with me and than disappeared. We all presumed he didn't make it through shark week and got washed away to the bottom of the ocean. Well, it turns out he's alive and kickin', because he made an appearance last week. :) I glanced up from what I was doing and we made the initial eye contact. I averted my attention and continued working, but thought to myself "wow, he looks a lot like Surfer". A few seconds later; I peeked up at him again and this time he was smiling at me and said hey.

*Cue the flood of nerves*

I tried to keep my composure. This guy has light blue eyes that seem to pierce through me and I can't keep eye contact with him for more than a few seconds, before looking away. After asking each other how we were doing, I asked him "where have you been, I haven't seen you in a while..." To which he smirked and replied, "I've been around. I was at the beach earlier today. I know that's your fear" and chuckled.

He was referencing our first conversation we ever had, when the topic of water sports and the ocean came up in the discussion and I disclosed how open water is one of my biggest fears. That was months ago and he remembered. My coworker Sarah casually slipped into the conversation and said "you should go to the beach and work on your tan", implying that he and I should go together. I kind of just froze up and got really uncomfortable. After we said our semi-awkward goodbyes to each other and he left, Sarah confirmed that he was quote, unquote 100% flirting with me. I walked outside to tell another coworker about Surfer's return and as I was filling her in on the deets, he turned around twice to look back at us from the parking lot. She made it known that my face was bright red and I need to work on my flirting skills haha I couldn't agree more. Flirting is difficult!

Oddly enough, another dude reached out to me two nights ago, completely out of the blue. Remember this dude? He text me saying he just got back from traveling throughout Spain and wants to grab coffee again. I wouldn't be opposed to meeting up with him, I enjoyed our first date.

Enough about guys. Onto more exciting things.

My sister hooked a brotha up and gave me her Netflix information so I could binge watch Stranger Things!! HOLY SHIT it's one of the best shows I've watched in a while. It's a sci-fi comedy/thriller that blew my mind. Season two can't come soon enough.

Speaking of Netflix, I absolutely have to recommend a movie I watched last night called 4th Man Out.  It's the best gay-related movie I have ever seen, revolving around a 24-year-old stud named Adam, who lives in Upstate NY and comes out to his three best friends and family. I resonated with so much of the movie and I was captivated from beginning to end. I think you guys will really enjoy it as well. The characters are genuinely relatable.
Lastly, Michelle and I did a photo shoot and photographed four of the 24 new pieces I'll be doing! It's honestly all I think about everyday. Here's a sneak peek from one of the shoots. I won't spoil the theme for this specific drawing, but let's just say it's going to have galactic elements and size distortion.
How GORGEOUS is she?! Her mind and personality are equally as beautiful as she is physically. I feel so blessed to have the most badass best friend, who is always encouraging and motivating me to accomplish my goals and helping me in any way possible to do so. I've never felt so close to another human being. She even let me tape her tits up, all for the sake of art. If that's not true love, I don't know what is!

That's all for now. As always, much love guys!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Loving Summer

Hey guys

This past Thursday I met up with my coworker and did hot yoga again together. It's the hardest 90 minutes of my life, but I love it. I feel so at peace, being surrounded by people sharing the same passion and interest as I do. It's one of the very few places where I know I won't be judged and it's an environment for everyone to grow mentally, physically and spiritually in. Plus, a wellness lounge is opening up next door to the yoga studio, with Sensory Deprivation tanks and I caaaaaaant wait to try it out!

If you have a curious little mind like myself, here's more information on Floatation Therapy. For testimonials, check out Joe Rogan's personal experience here.

I still have a tremendous amount of improvement to do in yoga, mainly due to lower back and hamstring pain/tightness, which is why I decided to book my first Acupuncture appointment! Al hail Groupon. I got a pretty sweet deal, consisting of three 60-minute treatments for $79. Although I know it'll be super beneficial for me, I'm still slightly nervous to have needles puncturing into my body. If you've ever done it before, leave me a comment letting me know how your experience(s) went. Funny enough, my mom worked as a receptionist at an Acupuncture spa to get herself through college and she never got a treatment done. How the hell does one work at a place like that and not have the curiosity to try it at least once?

Anyways, my sweaty ass raced home after yoga to shower and meet up with blue eyes again for a second 'date'. We met along Atlantic Ave and the beach (same as the first time) and it was nice. He was watching his friend's pug, so he brought the dog along with him and the three of us walked along A1A for awhile. That is until the dog began breathing so loudly that we legitimately thought he was going to pass out from exhaustion, so we gave him water and than strolled out onto the beach and sat down in the sand for the dog to catch his breath. We talked for another hour and a half. There were a few times when I didn't know what to say, so I started playing with the dog or the sand. Ha He wants to meet up again this upcoming week, so if we do, a change of venue needs to happen.

Unfortunately, I had to turn down a date this afternoon with a really cool and attractive guy I met off Tinder a week ago. He's a 24 year old Senior Bio major at UF, going into med school and he wanted to grab lunch on his way back up to Gainesville. But work, being the ultimate cockblocker that it is, hindered me from being able to meet up with him. Oh well, if it's meant to be, we'll cross paths in the future.

If all goes to plan, I should have enough money saved up when I get my next paycheck in two weeks, to get a MacBook! I'm so so so ecstatic for this! It'll be such a drastic upgrade from the laptop I'm currently working with and it'll be one step closer to me getting a camera, a video editing software and my YOUTUBE CHANNEL up and running!! I'll be filming time-lapse videos of my drawings, uploading them to my channel and than making prints of the drawings to sell at festivals and art venues. You know, just manifesting my dreams, that's all. :)

Much love guys!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Ice Cream Date

I had a serious case of bubble guts this evening. As I got off the can for the third time within an hour, I pulled my shit together (no pun intended) and got ready for my date with the blue eyed guy I posted a pic about in my last post!

I was incredibly nervous. We actually met two years ago on Grinder or Tinder (I can't remember) and both deleted our accounts shortly after, but before doing so; we added each other on snapchat. I got some drool worthy post-workout selfies over the course of that time. haha We would go from messaging each other for a few weeks, to not communicating for a month or two and than begin again. I think that's what enhanced my nerves so much, simply because we had been informally talking to each other for so long. This is the third date I've gone on this year and the most nerve wrecking one.

Thankfully, the date went really well! We walked along Atlantic Ave and the beach for about two and a half hours and grabbed ice cream (Ben & Jerry's has vegan options!). After about an hour, I began to get more comfortable around him, as the nerves settled down a bit. We talked about anything and everything, from our families, to our jobs, our passions, the universe, our common interests in yoga, fitness and eating healthy. It was a lot of fun and he had me laughing all throughout the night.

We're meeting up for a second date on Thursday! I hope it goes as well as the first one.

Much love guys!