You guys! I'm making strides this year, yo. For the first time in three years, I went to a yoga studio!! That might sound like a measly accomplishment, but for me, it was a significant feat. Let me explain...
I used to do yoga all the time in school. Sophomore year was the most pivotal year of my college career. Michelle introduced me to yoga, I dropped my fraternity, I came out of the closet, I sought help from a counselor, I fooled around with a guy for the first time and I had my spiritual awakening. After I got a taste for yoga, I instantly fell in love with it, because I feel closest to God/the Universe when I'm on the mat. I was going to on-campus classes all the time and took advantage of my roommates P90x yoga Senior year. But once I graduated, I just kinda stopped practicing as frequently and didn't have the motivation.
Until recentlyyyyyy!
My coworker (who's also vegan!) and I went to a 90 minute hot yoga class and it was one of the most intense workouts I've ever done. As we entered the studio room, the other class was leaving, and I was graced with the presence of four beautiful shirtless, sweaty guys walking out.
So of course, I was already in heaven. Unfortunately, there was only one cute guy in our class, but thankfully he set up his mat right behind me, so I could easily sneak a few glimpses. haha
If you've never taken an advanced hot yoga class before, you're basically drenched in sweat after 15 minutes. Me and the other guy in the class ripped our shirts off and the girls were all in minimal clothing, for good reason. Everyone had beach towels on top of their mats to collect the sweat dripping off every crevice of our bodies.
Once the workout had finished and we were laying in Savasana (corpse pose), I was given an art vision, which I can't wait to bring to life! I was light headed as fuck as we were leaving the room, from a mix of getting my butt kicked, working out in a 90 degree room and not drinking enough water. On our way out, we each thanked the yoga instructor and walked over to grab our shoes. Before I could physically move my body in that general direction, standing about 15 feet away, by the kombucha bar/lounge area...was the most stunning guy I've ever seen. He was a solid 9.5 and just physically perfect. I was star struck by him (and light headed still), so all I could do was freeze and stare at him. He was talking to a girl and I must have looked like a deer in headlights, because he noticed and made eye contact. As Michelle put it "like the awkward staring that the person can't tell if you're rude, awkward or high." Haha I hope I see him again in the future...
After yoga, I went to visit my friend at Raw Juce and she hooked me up with a free care package...basically a free juice cleanse! She is such a sweetheart.
The following night, the coworker that I went to yoga with, along with another, met up for dinner and it was so much fun! I feel so utterly blessed to have met so many cool people through my job.
During dinner, I started receiving snap chats from this guy whom I've been talking to on and off with for over two years now. We were supposed to go on a date to the beach like a month ago, but it started storming that day and I cancelled plans. We were "flirting" through the app and he told me once he gets back from Cali in a few days, he wants to meet up, so I'm excited about that :) He's 6'4" which is kind of intimidating, but we'll see how it goes. I could get lost in those eyes.
Than yesterday, I received my health insurance card in the mail, which allows me to go to any LA Fitness gym FOR FREE! I was so happy I almost cried. LA Fitness offers yoga classes that I get to start taking advantage of, on top of the yoga studio I'm going to with my coworker a few times a month AND the yoga workout videos I'm doing every morning from home. :) I would love to meet a guy through yoga, because yoga guys are the hottest, so the odds are definitely in my favor now.
Lastly, I started a timesheet for the rest of the year, by writing down the dates of the next 12 paychecks of 2016 and what to buy in correlation with the money (a camera, MacBook, studio lights, video editing software, etc.), so I set myself up for an epic 2017!
It's hard to believe Fall is around the corner. I'm so proud of myself and everything I've achieved this year. I finally feel like I have a vision of what I want out of life. I hope you guys continue crushing 2016 as well!!
Much love guys!