How are you guys doing? It's been three weeks since my last blog post and I gotta fill you guys in on everything.
First off, my birthday at the beginning of the month was amazing. It was low key, just as I wanted it to be and I got to celebrate with two of my best and closest friends.
I got a Vitamix! I had been using the one on the right, which happened to be a wedding gift my parents received. They got married 37 years was time for an upgrade. But the cool part is, I didn't even ask for it. I didn't ask for anything...but I wanted one SO bad. I just didn't have the heart to ask for such an expensive present.
I hate showing my emotions, but I walked back in my room a little while after opening the present and cried. It was one of the best gifts, if not the best one, I've ever received. I've used it every single day since I got it.
Of course, I had to spoil myself a bit and got these bad boys for myself!
I am so excited to use these for the series I'm working on with Michelle! You can see the reference photos I'm using in the previous post. Of all the things happening in my life right now, I'm probably most excited about these drawings. I literally sit in the break room during my lunch and brainstorm.
Speaking of art, I got asked to be on the art team at work! I'm currently drawing two dozen of my coworkers!! I'm drawing every section leader and once I finish, they'll be hung up next to their favorite item within their section. These are the smallest portraits I've ever worked on. The dimensions are 6"x5" and note to self, drawing smaller is not easier. I haven't been given too much time to work on them in work, so I literally spend all my time on days off working on these. I'm trying to get them done as soon as possible, because the art leader has another huge project for me to tackle as soon as I finish this one.
I just feel so beyond blessed to have this job and for how accommodating they have been. I have no idea what might happen after the portraits are on display, but it'll be insane exposure for me. :)
Also, I'm talking to a guy! I won't be getting into any detail about that, simply because we're just talking and I don't want to make a bigger deal out of it. He is fun to talk to though haha and he's super handsome!
I'm branching out of my comfort zone even more and going to a yoga studio with my co-worker on Wednesday! I got the Groupon all printed out and ready to go!! This yoga studio also has a vegan café, so I feel like this is the perfect place for me to make new friends and get back into yoga!
There's also a new raw vegan smoothie/coffee café type place that opened up RIGHT by my house, so I'm going to start going there on my days off to do art and maybe I'll meet some people there as well!!
I am hyper focused right now. I'm working hard, I'm drawing a lot, I'm socializing more than ever and I feel myself lifting off the plateau that I had been stuck on for so long.