It's been a while since I've sat down and focused my thoughts long enough to formulate another blog post. Hurricane Irma rolled through a few days ago which was not fun at all. However; sitting in front of the window left me starstruck by mother nature's power as the winds gusted by...and than it would abruptly stop for a few moments. Followed by another band. At one point my parents, sister and I were all sitting in the hallway once a tornado alert popped up on all of our phones. In efforts to relax myself, I drowned out the hissing winds from beyond the walls and popped in my earbuds. Through my meditation music and deep breathing, I heard my sister hysterically laughing. I open my eyes and looking back at me, are my mom and dad sitting across the hall, wearing their bike helmets. hahaha
Thankfully the storm rolled through without taking our power. The worst damage we received was a leak in the ceiling above our tv room, but it could have been much worse.
In other news, I'm growing my hair out!
Three month difference
Some of the oils/products I've been playing with