Saturday, January 12, 2013


YOOOO! I hope you all had a relaxing holiday, filled with family, friends, laughter and some much needed time off from work/school. Mine sure was. I did a lot of painting, eating, tanning and mental preparation for this semester. I'm taking Figurative Painting, Painting/Drawing Research, Senior Portfolio, Portraiture Painting, Sequential Art/Comics, and Romanesque Art and Architecture. I'm really only excited about Painting/Drawing Research because I heard this Professor has a gift for pinpointing each student's style and hones their potential. Work your magic on me girl!

I drank a super smoothie every damn day, aren't you proud of me? You got to try it, it'll rock your socks. It consists of an apple, half a banana, an orange, organic cranberry juice (not that cocktail shit) and a variety of frozen fruit (I use mango, papaya, pineapple and strawberries). After a month of drinking one every morning, my skin, teeth, hair and literally everything about me feels and looks more radiant. Someone call Vogue. Eat healthy people, it’s so worth it.

And drumroll please!

I FINALLY HAVE GUY NEWS! Let's get into it, shall we?
A guy commented on an Instagram picture I had put up earlier in the week of me and my cat. (Anyone who’s unfamiliar with Instagram, stop living under a rock). After conversing on the app for a few days, we connected via Facebook. I cant even begin to explain how random and coincidental the timing of this guy entering my life was, because I was just talking about wanting to meet a guy. I enjoy talking to him and we’ve been texting everyday which is cool. He makes me laugh and meets most of my standards. I'm a SUCKER for guys with bright green or blue eyes and he's got crystal blues.
…However, I’m not taking it seriously. Haha Even though a guy walked into my life literally minutes after wishing for one, he and I live 5 hours away, so realistically, we’ll probably be nothing more than texting buddies. Or will we? Nonetheless, I’m enjoying the conversations and getting to know him. I know he came into my life for a reason to teach me something.
Much Love Guys!