Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Korean Skincare Routine

여러분 안녕하세요 (Hello everyone!)

After hearing quite a bit about the infamous 'Ten Step Korean Skincare Routine', I decided to jump on the bandwagon and give it a try. After all, my skin desperately needs some help after eight years of problematic skin. So what exactly do these steps entail, you ask? Here's how it goes down...(keep in mind, I slightly tweaked them). 

Nighttime Routine:

Step 1: Oil Cleanser 

Step 2: Pore Cleanser
Koreans believe cleansing twice removes all the dirt

Step 3: Exfoliator 

Step 4: Toner

Step 5: Derma Roller (0.5mm)

Step 6: Sheet Mask

Step 7: Essence

Step 8: Serums
I alternate between them each night

Step 9: Moisturize 
Combining all in my hand and applying

Daytime Routine:

Step 1: Rinse

Step 2: Spray

Step 3: SPF

So what sparked my interest in diving down this rabbit hole? Two things to be exact. A viral YouTube video and a photo. 

Now onto the photo, which depicts three Korean women. A mother and her two daughters. 

41, 63 and 36 years old

Hard to believe, right!? They look like college girls. So how does this elaborate skincare routine reverse aging? Koreans believe the secret to obtaining perfect skin is through proper cleansing, prevention and HYDRATION. If you're intrigued by this as much as myself, I highly recommend you peep this YouTuber named Liah Yoo who breaks it all down. 

Thanks to Liah, I also incorporated licorice root, bearberry and mulberry extracts. I hope bits and pieces of this post can be helpful to you and your skin journey!!

Much love, guys! 


  1. welcome back, dear; WHERE have you been? WHAT adventures have you accomplished?

    this ugly mug of mine gets water and witch hazel only.

    smooches from a chilly granny cougar!

    1. Thanks, it's been awhile! I wish I could say I've accomplished x, y and z...but honestly, I haven't. Sorta just going through the motions right now, although I am attempting some untraditional paths to get ahead...so we'll see if that works. I'm figuring it out and trying to keep a smile on my face.

      Ugly mug?! Nonsense! Treat yoself to a face mask, trust me, you'll get addicted.

      Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving GC! I can'y believe it's almost December

  2. Actually, haven't heard of the "Ten Step Korean Skincare Routine" before...

    However, this sounds good!

    - Fit Studs

    1. Well if you ever want to incorporate some of the steps into your skincare routine, I got several of the products on the clearance rack at Marshall's :)
